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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Doctrines of Re@lism

With the information I have thus far the following doctrines are true and factual. Doctrines will be added and perhaps even taken away and or updated due to the increase of knowledge.

Explanation: Reality/ truth/ existence is what it is in spite of wishes, wants desires ,or feelings.

With the information I have thus far human beings are mere physical beings and everything humanity is aware of is either matter or energy(physical/natural). In order to be honest and accurate we can only make judgements, assessment, and statements on the basis of current knowledge. We must stay away from faith,wishful thinking, and self deception. When we don't know something instead of saying Blahweh(god) did it! we must admit ignorance or agnosticism and keep seeking more knowledge in a rational scientific manner.
The human brain consists of approximately 100 billion nerve cells called neurons interconnected by trillions of connections, entitled synapses.
Each synapse transmits approximately one signal per second on average and some specialized connections however can send up to 1,000 per second. With the information we have thus far this is how thoughts and conceptualizations occur.
With the information I have thus far all human conceptualizations are due to physical sensory input into our physical brains via our  physical senses.
To my knowledge humans cannot conceptualize or think of any ''thing'' or ''person'' we haven't experienced in some way with our physical senses.
But what about unicorns or other fairytale creatures?  The answer is that horses exist and horns exist and all the brain is doing, is taking two mental representations(concepts) of two physical existent objects and putting them together in a different arrangement.
Example 2 As far as I know angels don't exist but wings and people do, so the human brain put the two mental pictures together to form a particular arrangement which we call an angel.
When I ask Christians theologians/ apologists what GOD is or spirit or soul? they always say immaterial. But that doesn't answer my question because I asked ''what is?'' and immaterial is telling me what isn't!
With the information I have thus far they cannot conceptualize God, spirit, or soul for the same reason they cannot conceptualize or think of non existence or - a square circle!
Since they say God spirit, soul is non material how could I honestly accept or reject their claim (if even a coherent one?) if every, thing, person, who, what, where, or it I have ever experienced has been material?(matter and or energy).
And so it goes with the way religions use the words GOD ,spirit, spiritual, soul in general. These words in their normal modern usages are utterly devoid of meaning, unlike the stoics philosophers of long ago who used such labels in coherent and explanatory.

Explanation: To my knowledge, the natural universe and its natural laws, natural forces, and natural operations are all that exist.
 To my knowledge, existence (ontology) and the natural/the physical are one and the same -synonymous.
I am not cognitive of anything other than the natural, or the physical, and when it comes to claims of the ''supernatural'' I am agnostic, ignostic, and a non believer.
With the information I have thus far, the natural universe and its natural laws, physical forces, and operations are all that exist. To our knowledge the universe is essentially two things -matter and energy. Matter is the physical things around us, the water we drink, the air we breathe, the ground we walk on etc. Matter consists of particles entitled ''atoms'' which are particles of elements and ''molecules'' which are single unit compounds of elements.  Currently there are 109 known elements in the universe. There are 4 fundamental states of matter, solid ,gas ,liquid, and plasma which doesn't occur commonly in nature. Then there is ''energy'', gravitational energy, electromagnetic energy, sound energy, nuclear energy, chemical energy, thermal energy, solar energy etc.
With the information I currently have existence and the physical (matter and energy) are one and the same. If anyone says something more than the physical (natural /matter/ energy) exists then they alone bear the burden of proof/evidence and the need to explain what they mean by more in the positive sense instead of just saying immaterial.  If one claims another type of existence then they will need to provide sufficient evidence and tell me in a coherent manner what they mean by a non material existence in the positive sense before I can honestly accept or reject their so called claim. In fact everything I know to exist and everything I know to be a "thing" is physical(matter and or energy).

Explanation: Meaning, morality and purpose are subjective and dependent upon conscious physical brains/minds. What the individual or the mojority of a society labels non moral is whatever interferes with their individual goals as a society or as an individual. With the information I have thus far there is no inherent good or evil, meaning, morality, or purpose.  Meaning, morality, and purpose are mere products of conscious physical beings ,just as I see no intelligence or consciousness apart from functioning brains.
With the information I have thus far I see no logical reason to conclude that meaning, morality, or purpose are anything but the invention of the conscious brain. The universe is indifferent, it is up to us to create our own meaning, morality, and purpose.
''People don't get what they deserve, they just get what they get'' - Dr House

Explanation; All humans are motivated by "self interest" even when performing so called virtuous or altruistic deeds or actions. Simply put there is no such thing as selfless deeds or actions when it comes to conscious beings. Everyone lies the only question is about what?

Explanation: Whatever is, is.
x is x at the same time and in the same way or respect.

7 The doctrine of non contradiction. Explanation: Nothing can both exist and not exist, or be and not be at the same time. Nothing can be true and not true at the exact time and in the same way or respect.

Explanation: Everything must either be or not be ,exist or not exist.
Either x is true or not x is true.

Explanation: With the information I have thus far all facts, events, human choices and decisions exemplify natural laws, and have sufficient causes. With the information I have thus far free will is a mere illusion! Just like pool balls bouncing around a pool table we possess no freedom from causation. Our consciousness, our every thought has and is being governed by cause and effect/ physical natural law. So I ask from whence cometh freewill?  With the information I have thus far what humans call freewill, chance, random, probability, possibility, or uncaused are simply gaps in our current knowledge. Even on the quantum level how do we know those events and particles that currently appear to be without cause will not at some point prove to be caused or determined?

 '' I do not at all believe in human freedom in the philosophical sense. Everybody acts not only under external compulsion but also in accordance with inner necessity. '' -Albert Einstein (1954)

To our current knowledge within nature the survival of organisms is determined by their biological ability to adapt to the ever changing environments such as climate change and geological changes etc.
Environmental change either causes something to evolve and develop adaptations conducive to survival, or to dwindle into extinction. The surviving side of a any war or battle is usually the side with the most power, ability, intellect or advantage. This fact is also known as ''natural selection'' and it takes place on a cosmological level as well.  Survival is usually if not always determined by the advantages of strength, intelligence and the ability to persevere and adapt.  Some would call this ''survival of the fittest'' but note that what may be considered an advantage in one environment may not be in another. In short, in the natural universe survival is based on ability.

''We are survival machines --robot vehicles blindly programmed to preserve the selfish molecules known as genes.'' -Richard Dawkins 1976
Attention this doctrine is not a declaration of how people ought to behave, but merely a statement of fact.

In the future Doctrines will be added to this post.
If you consider your self a realist you are welcome to send me a doctrine via email to be added to this list of doctrine. To be approved the doctrinal statement need be truthful accurate and correct and not in conflict with science etc . If you have any rational objections to the above doctrine or you have suggestions for improvements please leave comments. Thanks.

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